iMath is
the most comprehensive collection of math problems with many hints and all
detailed solutions. This
educational math app can be used excellently for exam preparation and
self-studies. This professional version provides more than 300 problems with
+ a detailed description of the solution,
+ including all formulas
+ all solutions,
+ helpful comments of the solutions,
+ additional hints on many tasks.
The app includes the topics Numbers,
Vectors and Matrices, Equations, Systems and Inequalities; Systems of Linear
Equations; Complex Numbers; Elementary Functions; Calculus; Taylor and Fourier
Series and much more.
Math Problems for iPad and iPhone
Math Problems for Android
Gallery iPhone/Smartphones
Gallery iPad/Android-Tablets
Solution Buttons:
Pressing the solution button a detailed solution to the problem with all
formulas is displayed.
Hint Buttons:
For many problems there are hints how to solve the problem.
Transfer Problems:
Transfer problems illustrade the mathematical background and give a deeper
insight into the topic.
Application Problems:
The application problems represent the transfer between the mathematical
technique and a practical
*-problems are sometimes a bit more complex and can't be solved with
standard considerations. A challenge for better students.
To exercise elementary problems from school that are often computed wrong.
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Thomas Westermann
Hauptstraße 160
76351 Linkenheim-Hochstetten
E-Mail: imathapp01 (at)
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